I lost my first contest!!


Written on Thursday, December 04, 2008 by haleigh

December 4th, 2008

So over the past few months, I've entered four contests. The two earlier ones went in with the same version, then I made major changes (Thanks Marnee!) and submitted to two more.

The results from the first are back, and I'm not in the finalist round. Regardless, I'm so freakin excited I can't even stand it.

It was the Susannah Contest (Nola Stars - North Louisiana RWA chapter). Published and unpublished authors are in the same contest, and there is no distinction between sub-genres. They're goal is to make to provide similar competition as an editor's/agent's slush pile - everything all mixed up, and you're competing against everyone.

The top ten percent go on to the final round. And while I didn't make the finalist round, they sent out the average scores, and I was firmly in the top 20%. How exciting is that?

And the judges comments - wow! They really liked it!

And the best part? All those changes the judges said it needed to really shine, are all the changes I made!! (you freakin rock, Marn!!)

Okay, enough gushing from me!

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  1. Jessica Nelson |

    Yay! That's awesome. I knew I liked your story for a reason. 'Cause it's in the top twenty percentile of good reads. LOL
    So, maybe you'll be finaling in the next contest? :-)
    Needless to say, I love contests. Most judges are so helpful and plus it's always nice for the ego to see compliments from complete strangers. LOL

  2. haleigh |

    Thanks Jessie! I had three judge comments - two were only somewhat helpful, but they gave me high scores, so I didn't mind ;) The judge who gave me the lowest score was phenomenally helpful, especially with the synopsis. It's so hard to read a synopsis when you already know the plot, so it was great to have someone say, wait, how did this happen? lol.

    Now I can't wait to find out what happens in other contests!

  3. Marnee Bailey |

    Awh, Hal, I'm sorry you didn't final, but it's awesome you got great feedback! :) That's the most important thing about contests, in my opinion.

    And I'm sure you're going to hear good things about the other ones soon!

  4. haleigh |

    Thanks Marn! And thanks for all your help with the partial - I think it'll make a big difference with these last two contests (GH and one smaller one).

    *running off to write thank you notes to the judges*


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